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Znalostní databáze aplikace Oppido
< Všechna témata

Oddělení - co jsou a jak je přidat

What are Departments?

Departments are virtual teams, to which your users can be assigned.

Where are Departments used?

Departments are used in:

  1. Cíle – to define which department is responsible for fulfilling the specific goal.
  2. Users – wherever users are used (i.e. in tasks, dashboards) departments can be used to filter data or provide comparison of data.

What type of departments are there?

A department can be type “Marketing” or “Other. Multiple departments can be of type “Marketing”, therefore you can use the Department functionality to further drill-down your marketing capabilities.

How do you add/edit Departments?

To add a department, you need to have admin rights. Then, follow these steps:

  1. Přihlaste se do služby Oppido.
  2. Klikněte na své iniciály v pravém dolním rohu.
  3. Klikněte na Nastavení.
  4. In the window that opens, click on Departments in the left menu.
  5. Click on Add New at the top right corner.
  6. Vyplňte zobrazené vyskakovací okno.
  7. Jakmile jste spokojeni, klikněte na tlačítko Uložit.
  8. To edit, simply click on the three dots next to the Department name.