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Znalostní databáze aplikace Oppido
< Všechna témata

Propojení dokumentů s nápady

Documents can be added to each of the ideas. It supports different types of file formats, but the document size cannot have more than 10 MB.

A file can be attached from your computer or through the link by using a URL.

How to connect documents to Ideas?

To connect documents to Ideas, follow these steps:

  1. V hlavní nabídce na levé straně klikněte na možnost Nápady.
  2. Klikněte na vybraný nápad.
  3. A pop-up will appear from the right side of the screen. Scroll down to the bottom of the pop-up window and click on Add button on the panel “Documents”.
  4. A new pop-up will appear where you have to write the name of the attached document.
  5.  You can choose from uploading the file from your computer or you can just enter the URL (link) for the document.