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Znalostní databáze aplikace Oppido
< Všechna témata

Jak zanechat komentář / diskusi v každé entitě v nabídce

Everything can stay in context through the communication within the item. You can choose a specific goal, idea, or campaign you want to discuss with others and start the discussion or leave a comment within it.


To leave a comment in Goals, follow these steps:

  1. V hlavní nabídce na levé straně klikněte na možnost Cíle.
  2. Choose and click on the goal where you want to leave a comment or start a discussion.
  3. A pop-up will appear from the right side of the screen. On the top right side of the window choose Discussion.
  4. Now you can freely write the comment, ask the questions, give extra info, or tag @ a member who will receive a notification.
  5. Once you add everything you wanted, just press an enter to send it.


To leave a comment in Ideas, follow these steps:

  1. V hlavní nabídce na levé straně klikněte na možnost Nápady.
  2. Klikněte na vybraný nápad.
  3. A pop-up will appear from the right side of the screen. On the top right side of the window choose Discussion.
  4. Now you can freely write the comment, ask the questions, give extra info, or tag @ a member who will receive a notification.
  5. Once you add everything you wanted, just press an enter to send it.


To leave a comment in Ideas, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Campaigns in the main menu on the left side.
  2. Click on the chosen campaign.
  3. A new window will appear, on the top right side choose Discussion.
  4. Now you can freely write the comment, ask the questions, give extra info, or tag @ a member who will receive a notification.
  5. Once you add everything you wanted, just press an enter to send it.